Packages from Near & Far

2 Replies, 3112 Views

Received a few packages of purchases from Ebay, Amazon and the Japan Auctions. About half the stuff I am keeping and the other half are items that came along with the stuff I wanted so they will be moved out

From Japan... we have have a bunch of items but I am only keeping the coaches I had to have to finish out their particular sets of 4 in our collection.

[Image: 003.jpg]

And, from Japan... we have a couple of Vintage Plarail Stations that were purchased for a neat Custom building that I have assembled all the parts I need for.

Also, what is now my most favorite of all the Disney Branded Tomy trains, the hard to find talking Donald Duck train. This one is not the new in box one I Posted previously but an excellent used one. I have a quick, simple, modification for this little guy that I will show soon.

[Image: 004.jpg]

Finally from Ebay and Amazon we have two motorized vehicles. We already have a Gravel Hauler but not the neat Garbage Truck.

My penchant for Name Branded items led me to this neat little double branded White Castle/ Tootsie Roll Express Train. One side has signage withe the White Castle Logo and the other shows the Tootsie Roll Logo. You just don't see White Castle branded items much and its part of my past is why I bought them. They are a rubber type material with 4 rolling wheels underneath. I believe they were individual giveaways with purchase at one time but of course I could be wrong.

I wanted to store our, getting larger, collection of motorized vehicles in drawer units like we have for our Tomica/Hotwheel/Matchbox non-motorized collections but looked around for something different that the Tomica garages cases that are a bit pricey especially a 3 drawer one. Discovered several very similar off brand ones that are very much cheaper that the Tomicas on Amazon. So for a  3 drawer one so settled on this. I will show this one and compare it to the Tomicas in another Thread soon.

[Image: 002.jpg] [Image: 008.jpg]
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  • ripley802
Nice mix mate Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Oh god, I just got a 2nd Gen Plarail Talking and Percy (Percy was bought in a junk parts lot [in the auction description, his talking features worked okay], Plarail Gordon (2003 model), spare motors, S12 Doctor Yellow T3 (2003-2014 model), and 0 Series Doctor Yellow Middle cars. They're supposed to be delivered by the 27th of this month but it says "Processed Through Facility OSAKA INT, JAPAN" on my tracking info for 5 days now. They're being shipped with EMS with Premium Insurance. I think it's going to be a long time before they're getting delivered.
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.

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