How Many Motorized Road Vehicles Are There?

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A List of Tomica World Motorized Vehicles
Part 4.

TW-16 SPORTS CAR (WHITE) is another Nissan 300ZX, and was only sold as part of City Set 7428. It’s the same as Nissan Fairlady Z A-09 (日産フェアレディZ), 1997, and therefore the same as TW-06 except for its colour.
[Image: TW-16-5x4.jpg] [Image: TW-16-5x3.jpg]
[Image: A-09-box.jpg] [Image: 7428-b.jpg]

TW-17 STATION WAGON was only sold as part of Super Spiral Set 7429, and is based on the Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon A-01 (スバルレガシィ ツーリングワゴン), 1997.
[Image: TW-17-5x4.jpg] [Image: TW-17-5-x3.jpg]
[Image: 7429-box.jpg] [Image: A-01-box.jpg]

TW-18 SILVER BUS was only sold as part of the TGV Set 7430 and its French / Dutch variant the Circuit Gare Routiere / Cicuit Gael Deel 4774. These sets and the bus in them are based on the 1999 Motor Tomica New Transit Yurikamome Set (モータートミカ プラレール 新交通ゆりかもめセット), which was itself a revision of the 1997 B/O Tomica New Town Station Set (B/Oトミカ ニュータウン駅セット).
[Image: TW-18-5x4-a.jpg] [Image: TW-18_5x3.jpg] [Image: TW-18_5x4_b.jpg]
[Image: 7430_box.jpg] [Image: 4774-box.jpg]
[Image: Yurikamome_Box_for_blog.jpg] [Image: New_Town_Set.jpg]

TW-19 WAGON CAR was only sold as part of the Loop Road Set 7416. TW-19 is based on the Honda CR-V A-02 (ホンダCR-V), 1997, and 7416 is based on the 1997 B/O Tomica Loop Bridge Set (B/Oトミカ ループ橋セット), which has a black Nissan Skyline GT-R.
[Image: TW-19-5x4.jpg] [Image: TW-19-5x3.jpg] [Image: A-02-box.jpg]
[Image: TW-19-box.jpg] [Image: Loop-Road-Set.jpg]

That's all folks.
[-] The following 1 user Likes chrisjo's post:
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If anyone sees a listing or large lot they want to pass on let me know Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes ajtrain944's post:
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They are easily spotted in the Japan Auctions and on Ebay in the UK. That is where I attained most all of mine.
This is probably the oldest motorized vehicle made by plarail

According to the post by Vio Ryan,  (I suspect it is the same Vio on Blue Plastic tracks) the motorized vehicle came in a automated crossing set made in 1974.  This set is quite rare as it was manufactured for only one year.  If anybody is interested, you can click on the facebook link below.

If you cannot view the post from your computer, there is nothing i can do.  I don't want to disrespect Vio by posting his photo here without his permission.  Sadly, it is hard to tell what brand and model the car comes with the set.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
[-] The following 1 user Likes leylandvictory2's post:
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Not that it matters but I believe that this car is somewhat bigger than the others in this Thread but I could be wrong. I also believe that Vio has a video with this one running but again, as always, I could be wrong.  Big Grin
Yes, it is I who bid on that set. It is a major auction that day and my let my pride freely take over me that day I won. I can't let that set pass, I waited 2 long years. The day I discovered that this set did not follow the general production pattern of Plarail products, I knew I had to win. This is raw research material for future method of confirming other unconfirmed PLA HIGHWAY related sets. The ST mark clarifies that this set was manufactured and registered after other Plarail products that did not collaborate with PLA HIGHWAY, thus not following the general production order.

Similar car as here:
I helped with the creation of this page, even the introductory image is mine:

That is the first motorised vehicle of TOMY. PLA HIGHWAY was manufactured by TOMY in 1968, then integration with Plarail started on 1972. Double AA batteries, feel free to judge the size.
This is the spreadsheet I created before the musuem's page was created. It lists every known PLA HIGHWAY product. This sheet is the roots of modern PLA HIGHWAY research.
Wow, Vio won the bid war? I thought you said you quit auctions for a while? *stabs Vio with the dagger*
I think we should open up a collection page in our communications channel so its a more friendly place, right boss?

About that car, there are 2 different shades of red and 2 types of front wheels, one with fixed axle and one with free axle.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Zwilling's post:
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Get me the bandages and medicine Zwilling and I will give you the set, "for free" Tongue
I'll open one up, but keep the boasting limited to that channel.

What Zwilling said is right. My paint is a little darker, more metallic, than some cars. My front wheel protrudes but some cars don't have protruding wheels.
[-] The following 1 user Likes violater's post:
  • Zwilling
Alright you got me good Vio. Again thanks for the new channel boss!

There was a dark blue car as well, but I haven't seen the real thing although it is confirmed in the catalogue.
Bus was manufactured in 1973, not 1974 when I checked the ST mark on one of the PLA HIGHWAY sets that has the bus. Check that Vio.
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