sweet bonus

12 Replies, 11119 Views

[Image: IMG-20181109-211535.jpg]

yeah, no problem.
give me a minute. but it is most definitely confirmed.

i could never call this bnib. not with my name attached to it.
[Image: IMG-20181109-211506.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20181109-211517-1.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20181109-211527.jpg]

here is a plarail gordon. 
[Image: IMG-20181109-221320.jpg]

it is bnib.

but if one wasn't sure...

notice the third piece of styrofoam? between the coal car?

now this is very easy to spot. the third piece is in the window.

but prior to this gordon, other boxes like "the angry gordon" hid this from view.

compare the boxes. see for yourself
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2018, 06:53 AM by Super.)
Just curious, what is the backstory on this item? Was it purchased from eBay, Japan Auctions, etc???
new york city

a store was going out of business.
a friend of mine, who knows how much, i love these toys.

he "scouts" areas. when "HE" says "you need to come down for this"
I DO! he rarely lets me down.

the funny thing is that, this "sale" kept getting postponed.
a date was set, i would go down. and it was canceled.
this happened 3 times. each time the line would get shorter.

however, the third time, this sale, this going out of business sale...
was scheduled, i was third in line.

and the doors opened

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