A Silver Metallic Thomas Winner & Unboxing

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I’m not in the business of telling other people how to play with  their toys but yeah, stuff like that is a bit hard to watch! It doesn’t help that my son has totally burned me out on the whole Timothy The Ghost Engine thing!

This isn’t just about “rare collectibles” either. There’s a series of videos on YouTube where some kid’s dad “accidentally” runs over his Thomas engines. They’re mostly Trackmaster 2 but I didn’t like the message being conveyed. I had to really lay down the law with my son after he saw a few of those and started trying to think of ways to “accidentally” smash his engines.

Sorry, got off on a rant there!
[-] The following 2 users Like Off The Rails's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super
I think its natural for children at a young age to like to smash and crash these toys.
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i hate the ones where they have track floating in the pool and put trains on, then of course they fall overboard and are on the bottom of the pool, wheels spinning away. to me, stuff like drowning, crashing and running over is not "playing", its destruction for no good reason. not meaning like a kid lining them up on the same track to head on, but crashing them off highly elevated rails etc.

a friend of mines 7 year old nephew has a decent collection of trackmaster and tomy, some from me for birthday and christmas. he got in the habit of pulling them apart to see how they work, and could never get them back together. every time i saw him, he would say he needs this part or that part, since i have provided replacement hooks before. i just tell him, i have no more spares, and if he wants to take them apart, i wouldnt help fix them, he could ask his uncle instead. to my knowledge, they are in bits scattered between rooms of the house. i dont give him trains anymore, and the value of what i do buy him has dropped considerably.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 11:29 PM by sunhuntin.)
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(07-09-2018, 11:16 PM)Super Wrote: I think its natural for children at a young age to like to smash and crash these toys.
Oh yeah, we’ve probably all succumbed to the urge to smash something to bits. I’ve crashed toy cars with a hammer and blown up models with firecrackers more than once as a kid. I know my kids will do similar things but I at least have to officially discourage it.
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(07-09-2018, 11:52 PM)Off The Rails Wrote:
(07-09-2018, 11:16 PM)Super Wrote: I think its natural for children at a young age to like to smash and crash these toys.
Oh yeah, we’ve probably all succumbed to the urge to smash something to bits. I’ve crashed toy cars with a hammer and blown up models with firecrackers more than once as a kid. I know my kids will do similar things but I at least have to officially discourage it.

Yes, I still kick myself for lighting my Kenner 1st Edition Chubacca on fire, breaking out the windows to my big yellow Tonka truck so that I could touch the steering wheel, and smashing the cool domed windows to my '69 Corgi Batmobile (the ultra rare one with red wheels), then painting the broken
[Image: image.jpg]

edges with my moms red fingernail polish to simulate blood where Robin got ejected...lol I was notorious for realism!! Sadly I think this kid will be kicking himself the same way one daySad
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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  • Off The Rails, Super
yeah especially when he found out how valuable his silver thomas is.
[-] The following 4 users Like leylandvictory2's post:
  • fred16850, MuddyPoppins, Off The Rails, Super
Has anyone on bpt acquires one of these rare specimens other that mod Thana. I love this train and the black wheels and side rods accomodate the silver body extremely well
[-] The following 2 users Like Tharazero1's post:
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Not yetSad I've been looking everyday though!Smile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2018, 06:44 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
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I have not heard of any other Member coming forward with it
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idk what to say here.

no here has this?!?!

i have come face to face with this.
it is very beautiful- to say the least. it does have some drawbacks.
depending on "who" you are!
they started to surface in late may/2018.
but not in the condition that i desire.
i put off obtaining this piece.
only to acquire my latest purchase.
not a easy position.
but "we" have all been here before
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 03:45 AM by Super.)

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