What type of Thomas is this?

25 Replies, 19213 Views

I'm really conflicted as to what this is- it's listed as a broken unit, but I'm intrigued none the less. It has a Talk N Action coupler (different than steam along), normal shell, about a normal face, albeit he's looking a little bit downwards. Can anybody help me out?
[Image: i-img1200x720-1527943390xrhycs149000.jpg]

[Image: i-img1200x720-1527943390dryyvg148956.jpg]
might be one of the more recent talking engine releases? ripley or muddy should know for sure.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Looks TnA to me. Not sure on the face and the white deck, I would need to take a look through mine. I was thinking they all had red decks. Unless the seller had put a TnA coupler inplace of another one maybe? The newere Talking one’s would have a button on top I believe.
Is that all the pictures the seller had? A picture of the underside of Thomas and Annie would tell a lot. Muddy would know as I don't think there were but a couple Thomas looking down with a smile on his face releases,
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Looks to be an uncommon one- I suppose I'll go get it then. Once it comes, I'll update all of you guys what it does, what's Annie's purpose, etc. @Ripley- I would've thought Talk N Action- but it's a completely different shell and bottom. Those were discontinued in 2002.
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Possibly it is a custom? Meaning it looks almost like the Plarail OT-01 engine with a TnA coupler and a regular Annie and Clarabel?

It looks too clean to be a custom- can't be the newer talking model, there's no buttons on top of Annie and the coupling is very different.
[Image: image.png]
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  • MuddyPoppins
Yeah, I was meaning custom as in it may be just the engine from the talking Thomas OT-01 and then a standard Annie and Clarabel. The OT-01 engine is stand alone and not connected by wires to the sound car.
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It looks more like a 50 phrase Talking Thomas coupler than a T'nA coupler to me...
The 50 phrase coupler has a circular molded top area (where the screw goes), whereas the T'nA is blockier, with large shiny rivets on either side... I would guess that it's a "Thomas looking down" shell on a 50 phrase chassis attached to a standard Annie.
[Image: image.jpg]

[Image: image.jpg]

[Image: image.jpg]
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
The one in the initial post is definitely a Talk N Action block type coupler- there's 2 metal plates on the sides of them- the 50 phrase is a solid white on the side. The face in the initial also is completely different to the 50 Phrase and Talk N Actions, respectively. Confused
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