Plarailfans Great Custom Photo Sharing Site

17 Replies, 12753 Views

Its been quite a while sine I browsed our own member,Plarailfan's site with some amazing custom's. If you haven't seen his and other members photos or its been a while since you last visited, like me, then you should check it out. I also miss Plarailfan being around here as its been almost 2 years since he last checked in.

[Image: 24275111015_39f59e9da6_o.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • mod thana, Off The Rails
some good stuff there - thanks
[-] The following 1 user Likes bollard's post:
  • Super
did he use 3d printer to print the tankers?
I believe he removed the tanks, hoppers and others from Hornby and or Dublo OO scrapped stock. I think you can find many used OO stock in the UK for better prices than here in North America. You can find some of his customs in action in his YouTube videos here...
It's interesting to see that Super, I've often wondered if you could move OO or even HO wagons/superstructures onto a PlaRail chassis. It would give a much greater range of wagon types and also improve the detail level with relatively little effort Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Sorry he’s not active here any more because I really liked his small, detailed layouts. I was inspired to experiment with a “live scenery” tabletop setup after seeing his Consumers layout.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Off The Rails's post:
  • Super
That is a fine, movable, Layout...I agree OTR. Smile
Sorry I've been away for a while. I had a couple of minor snags with my computer and then my employer made a lot of changes to streamline the efficiency of the company I work for.
The transition hasn't been very smooth, with some redundancies and a heavy workload for the remaining workers (same anywhere these days I guess) with the result, that my modelling activities have practically dried up for the time being.
I do have a tub full of OO gauge wagon kit parts, to build more customised Plarail models and so eventually the production line will be back on track Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like plarailfan's post:
  • fred16850, Off The Rails
[Image: 100_7687.jpg]
This Pendolino train is my most recent custom build. It started out as a Brio / Bigjigs, wooden railway item.
I removed the motor unit and put a Plarail chassis in its place.
The Pendolino trains run at speeds up to 125mph and they lean, or, tilt when going round curves in the track. They ply the West Coast route from London Euston to Glasgow.
[-] The following 2 users Like plarailfan's post:
  • Off The Rails, Super
Hi PlaFan, nice to see you back and I am anxious to see more of your great custom works and viewing all the interesting things already on your Web page.

Strange, I don't get a bigger viewed picture when I click on it. Is that the same with everybody?

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