While trying to research The Daniel B. Harrington engine in another Thread I fell upon this Web Page that has lots of pictures and info on some pretty unusual old trains and I find them fascinating. A couple that drew my attention to name a few are pictured below. Trouble is you can get caught into Web Surfing sickness where when you see something unusual that you have to start surfing the web for more information which brings up more questions or different interesting items that you then have to Surf for more info on those....and it goes on and on. 

![[Image: 928af2f2038c7556f0fe2b40956e123c.jpg]](https://s9.postimg.cc/4e4xiwpzv/928af2f2038c7556f0fe2b40956e123c.jpg)
![[Image: -model-trains.jpg]](https://s9.postimg.cc/hiahvpknf/-model-trains.jpg)