I Miss Ucwepn!!!

7 Replies, 8382 Views

I Miss Ucwepn!!!

After my latest re-visit to Ucwepns YouTube video Channel I became very nostalgic of how things use to be for me. It made me reflect back to when my interest in these trains were in its infancy and I really didn't know much about anything. How that all changed when I came across his YouTube videos. I learned so much, from what type of trains were out there to how to make repairs. I learned about how neat it is to be creative and modify trains to be something that is only in my mind. His Reviews and First Runs where so very informative and he didn't hold back in giving a manufacturer the 'What for' when it came to something that wasn't right.

Yes I Miss Ucwepn as he has been my main inspiration for my love of this hobby. I miss the checking everyday, sometimes hourly, in anticipation of a new video upload and when a new one did appear watching it several times so I could discover new details in his ever changing Layouts.

Yes, I Miss Ucwepn. I was so excited to join his first discussion Forums Web Site he created. I had so many questions I am sure that some members of those early Forum Sites wished I had been more quite.

Yes, I Miss Ucwepns apologies when he filmed in the shed when the rain was pelting the metal roof or the wind rattled the metal door. Funny thing is, none of that bothered me as I was always so intent on watching the video.

I Miss watching Ucwepn as a rookie YouTuber change and grow into a huge YouTube Star when YouTube Stars weren't like they are now. His influence on the youngsters who eagerly watched his videos isn't measurable. Many of those youngsters grew up and returned to the Hobby as adults because of his influence. You can see a lot of how Ucwepn has influenced other YouTubers who, to this day, create their own videos in his style.

Yes, I Miss Ucwepn.........................

What is your favorite memory, story or Video of Ucwepn???

Take a trip down Memory Lane
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • drewbenn, MuddyPoppins
so where is UCwepn. He seems to disappear all of a sudden. I miss his toy trains review
[-] The following 2 users Like leylandvictory2's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super
The repair videos/motor swap video(s) helped me early on with my first train repair. Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like ripley802's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super

I have many favorite videos of Ucwepn, its hard to pick just one but here are 3, related videos, that are very memorable for me...


TOMY GM-EMD F unit American Diesel RARE

TOMY EMD F unit diesels run with 8 rare matching coaches video for HankAmericanEngine

TOMY USA F unit diesel ultimate mods test 3volt and light.

It was Carrick Wilmot who first turned my soil,
But it was Ucwepn who planted my seeds,
Through him I met Geris,
Who began to water them,
And Super to sort through the weeds. (Lol)
The four of you would be my main sources of inspiration...
From the art of the layout, setting up scenes, or developing a style, to production values, camera angles, and all the intricacies involved in producing videos.
I owe everything to Ucwepn and BPT!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
  • ripley802, Super
AWWW you guys are sweet! The layout as it stands at the moment is in a very poor state (dirty/dusty/bad rail joins and looks like the tables have shifted slightly). I plan to knock it all down and build a smaller much more streamlined 3.0 version of the layout with facilities to build spirals and do more interesting videos. I have also ordered a microphone setup and audio interface too to also improve the audio of my videos with separate audio commentary laid over the top. All this will be happening around June so keep an eye and an ear out Smile

[Image: 15910694998_4fca980117_k.jpg]
[-] The following 5 users Like Ucwepn's post:
  • ActionChugger, MuddyPoppins, ripley802, Super, WoodWheel92
Good to hear you're on your way back. I think I speak for most of BPT when I say we've missed you. Good luck with the layout. I look forward to the videos on it.

(Also, just for future reference, can we have a picture of the current layout for future nostalgia?)
Collecting without a clue since 2010
[-] The following 3 users Like Chrizzly's post:
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