Steam along Thomas

11 Replies, 22538 Views

(06-12-2014, 05:33 AM)Toys_Trains-Things Wrote: Here a photo of the inside of steam Thomas I posted on FB.

Thanks Toys_Trains-Things for posting and linking us to the picture of the inner workings. The picture has answered a question I had and probably saved me a few dollars. You see I do have another D51-200 steamer that is missing its water reservoir and wick and I thought that maybe the Thomas steamers parts would fit. Thomas's water reservoir might fit and painted black but doesn't Thomas have a round, removable wick unit? Did you ever get around to making the video as stated in the comments?
Thanks Toys_Trains_Things!

[Image: 17319_133710836814349_552774144_n.jpg]

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