Bad News..

26 Replies, 23641 Views

pets are part of the family. No pet can ever replaced your beloved cat, Tom.

I had a cat called Joey. He passed away when he was 18.
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Here the buddy is:

[Image: IMG_20180126_232218494.jpg]

He probably has a few months or even a year at most or more, He was SUPPRESSING THIS For who knows how long, So If he was THAT strong, He probably has a good amount of time left.
And he is eating using the box and walking around alot so he seems to be fine for me.
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2018, 04:37 AM by ItsWAWGaming.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes ItsWAWGaming's post:
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[Image: clapping.gif] Well thats certainly good news in a bad news thread.
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Not only that but I did some re-search and asked my friends on skype, they said from how he was able to suppress it, he might have hope at eradicating this if he is lucky.
I'll post updates on him every morning, This morning he was dancing around to eat so he seems fine for now.
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
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Welp, We thought this morning he wouldn't eat and it was the end, BUT, Minutes after, He began to eat and then tonight he started eating dinner so maybe this tumor is just making his habits in order a bit off or scattered.

[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
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Welp, He is still doing better again so thats weird XD,
Also last night, I finished eating most of my beef paddy and then TOM Got up off his comfy spot, And stood up on his hind legs at the coffee table with the plate w/ the half of the paddy left, So anyways, I put him back on the couch and then he LEAPED onto the table and tried to grab it with his jaws! AND TAKE OFF WITH IT LOLLLL!!!!
So yea he must be hungry.

[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
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Tom had a seizure & Passed away right in front of me.
Unfortunately, It put me into shock & scarred me.
I lost all my interest passions, and emotions.
I feel empty now.
RIP Both of us for now I guess? idk
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
I'm sorry WAWSad
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
My condolences. I'm sure he was a good kitter. Sad
[-] The following 1 user Likes Trainfanz's post:
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I am sorry Waw. There is an old saying that seems trite but it is true and speaking from much experience, Time Heals All Wounds. It may take time but you too will make it through this.
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