Origins of Rolling Stock is a great addition to your Web pages Leyland. It will be nice to be able to look up just the Rolling Stock to find info on them rather than trying to search the Internet for engines in hopes of finding which sets they may have come in. Will this be fore just Thomas related Stock or for all?
This is just a new section to your already huge collection of pictures on your existing Web Site right?. I recommend all who love these trains to browse around your site as it is very interesting.
Holy remembered a Post from 11 months ago Duck???
I've been trying to spend less time looking at auctions and more time reading threads here instead lol... was rereading this thread and recognized the car from when I also had no idea where it was from
I have a
website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
thank you for the tip. Right now I have Tuesday and Wednesday off from work. Maybe I will work on the pages. Right now, I am focusing on the trackmaster 2 rolling stocks since there are way fewer than the trackmaster 1
Nice looking snow plow for Edward as he never had one in the series or in a toy right? Where is the plow from, Plarail, Trackmaster?
Are you sure that red wagon is a knockoff, looks like one that would pass by and operate some gimmick in a set.
I don't think that's a knockoff, it looks like the one from the "King of the Railway" sets. If I remember right, I think a review said it doesn't have a rear coupling.
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
Leyland, I think I found your truck. You need to scroll through all of the pictures to see it clearly, though.
Here's the url:
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.