A Hamburger Tunnel.....whaaaat?

16 Replies, 11240 Views

The truck in the picture is Tomica, I also have one with a green cab and a doubled decker Burger on the back which is also in the regular line of Tomica vehicles.

I also see they have more like a pink one and a black burger one... https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R4...s&_sacat=0

Its all you fault Sunhuntin, after seeing that black Burger truck I just had to have it.... Dodgy
boy, some expensive stuff there. wendys burger chain here did a black bun burger for a local sporting promo. the black buns always looked unappetising, and i dont think they sold that well.

looks like theres 5 different color trucks on there: yellow, red, pink, white and green.

thanks, super. will have a hunt on jauce for some. Smile would love a pink one, but looks like thats a lucky prize, so unlikely to come up often.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Isn't it cheaper to buy it from Ebay and avoid all the Jauce Fees and double shipping or don't they ship to your country?
likely, yes. but since ive started an order with jauce, i may as well stick with that for anything else i want.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Oh Boy! More stuff to come Smile

might as well.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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