D&D Snow Plow set on eBay!!!

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Well I must say I have not been in the market for this set but have seen it from time to time on the Japan auctions and typically bringing a pretty penny, I figured it may be one to get it I can. I was browsing eBay this morning and saw this set. Talk about sticker shock... $2400... I reached out to the seller thinking maybe this was one that would have a markdown soon so it shows as 50%, 70% off in the listing. The seller just replied and said they can do $1650... I will be a watcher on the listing but never a buyer at that price..Dodgy

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That is silly...and totally taking advantage of those buyers who unaware of the Japanese auctions!! As a seller I suppose that is what free enterprise is all about, but as a collector who once was confined to, and strictly only used eBay (because it was the only resource I knew of), it is quite a gouging. We got ours (pristine box & contence) for under $150 just a year and a half ago, when they were going for "$300-$500"!!... Maybe the market has shifted a bit since then, and we'll never see them go for under $300 at auction again, but $1600+, let alone listing it at $2400 is absurd.
Be patient!! They will come back one day in multiple listings all at once on the Japanese sites, and you'll be able to finally pick one up!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2017, 05:36 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 3 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
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This seller has several other items new in the box for large amounts most notably for me, the very rare Tomy McDonalds set NIB but he does have Best Offers on all which was a seller strategy but still take quite a bit less. Don't know if this seller does that but it would be interesting if someone gave them an offer for say $500 and see if they counter it. I do find it curious that the seller is located in Japan but he will not ship to Japan.
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(06-03-2017, 05:44 PM)Super Wrote: This seller has several other items new in the box for large amounts most notably for me, the very rare Tomy McDonalds set NIB but he does have Best Offers on all which was a seller strategy but still take quite a bit less. Don't know if this seller does that but it would be interesting if someone gave them an offer for say $500 and see if they counter it. I do find it curious that the seller is located in Japan but he will not ship to Japan.

Yeah I was hoping when I asked what the lowest they would take it would have been something really low like $300 and I may have went for it but the seller seems to want quite a bit more.
[-] The following 2 users Like ripley802's post:
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This is way to much for this set and yes the seller could try to take advantage of people that don't know jauce. At $3200 Australian dollars it is way to steep and is not one of the rarest trains/sets out there. There will be another set on there sooner or later and will be far, far less. The seller also has it on Jauce and he has many other rare sets and train on there as well, maybe he will put them all on eBay at ridiculous prices
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(06-04-2017, 06:07 AM)Tharazero1 Wrote: This is way to much for this set and yes the seller could try to take advantage of people that don't know jauce. At $3200 Australian dollars it is way to steep and is not one of the rarest trains/sets out there. There will be another set on there sooner or later and will be far, far less. The seller also has it on Jauce and he has many other rare sets and train on there as well, maybe he will put them all on eBay at ridiculous prices
How many yen is it on Jauce?
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(06-04-2017, 08:24 AM)Muddy Poppins Wrote: How many yen is it on Jauce?

I'm pretty sure it's $119,000
(06-04-2017, 08:29 AM)Tharazero1 Wrote: I'm pretty sure it's $119,000

Hmmm...well, 119,000¥ is only $1078.00 USD, which is way less than the quote to Ripley, or the $2400 price on eBay, so it's no clue what the seller's rationality is...
Either way, even a $1000 is WAY to high!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
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Just for curiosity I made an offer of $500 and the Seller countered at $1600. As far as rarity, here in the States you almost never see this offered up in a box on Ebay especially from US sellers. Its a rare occurrence to even see the set as used. This new in the box set would have looked real nice in the 'Future World Collection' but not at that high of price.
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
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(06-04-2017, 08:46 AM)Muddy Poppins Wrote: Hmmm...well, 119,000¥ is only $1078.00 USD, which is way less than the quote to Ripley, or the $2400 price on eBay, so it's no clue what the seller's rationality is...
Either way, even a $1000 is WAY to high!!

perhaps the commission between jaunce and eBay are way different.
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