I just got a credit card so I can buy things from Jauce but i'm having trouble with shipping prices (Preferably the cheapest option) here is all I need to know and can somebody please help!
One Plarail engine
Two Plarail Engines
Three Plarail Engines
Two Plarail Rolling Stock (Coaches or Trucks)
BluePlasticTracks' biggest Lady fan
First are you aware of what using a Proxy Agent like Jauce is all about?
My very first suggestion since you have a just gotten a Credit Card is to sign up with a PayPal Account. With them there will only be one site that has your card information therefore being more secure from someone getting that information. Then you just Pay for items with your PayPal account who then charges your Credit Card. PayPal is universal now and Trusted most everywhere.
I will have to say with all due respect for Mr Ripley above, his shipping rates will be higher because of how his Proxy service bundles the cost. You don't say your country but my guess is that for one new train in a box using the very cheapest which is the slowest (month or more) would probably be around $20usd or less but that is my guess as I only use the fastest. As Ripley says there are much more cost involved with commissions, Fees and shipping within Japan. If you are not familiar with using the Proxy Services for the Japan Auctions like Jauce, FromJapan or Japamart (there are many more) then let us know and we will try to help.