Member WoodWheel92 brought to my attention something I never knew or was made aware of...
The Tomy/Plarail Tankers have no buffers whereas the HiT/Mattel do. The chassis look the same and for the most part our collection consists of the Tomy/Plarail ones. I think I am going to have to try some swaps to see if they fit as the Hit/Mattel buffered chassis look so much better. What do you all think? Did you know this difference?
The Tomy/Plarail Tankers have no buffers whereas the HiT/Mattel do. The chassis look the same and for the most part our collection consists of the Tomy/Plarail ones. I think I am going to have to try some swaps to see if they fit as the Hit/Mattel buffered chassis look so much better. What do you all think? Did you know this difference?