i wanted to know a little more about this train.
has anyone taken this train apart?
the hardest trains to take apart (for me anyways) are the face changing ones.
can someone show me some pics of the body?
in particular the seams? maybe the inside?
is the top of the body easy to come off?
i don't have 1.
so any info would be greatly appreciated.
have you taken it apart? whts the battery terminal look like?
You are speaking with the expert on all TnA's and their repairs here Trevor and Ripley is always happy to share in what he knows.
Thanks Super.
Yep, definitely here to help. I have ran across multiple issues and be able to fix most all, even down to the component level on the circuit board for the crown jewel TnA American Accent James.
thts incredible! i had no idea people (aside from me of course) did this.
show me a strip down- no pun intended-
i found this train in nyc. great price! but needs work.
this train is pretty high on my want list!
but only for the right price.
how difficult to take diesel 10 apart?
again i have taken evry train apart.
and again i stress- to me anyways- tht the face changing ones are the most difficult.
with tht said... how difficult is this train?
great info.
wht do you mean... by "special" battery terminal?
define "smaller" axel gear?
and with tht.. is tht problem solvable?
i'll be honest here. i'm looking at the box. rather than the train. the box is in great condition! far better than the toy.
the box... no seams. no fades. no creases. its very very pretty
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 03:52 AM by trevor379.)