Now I know AC reckons anything without a video is pointless, so maybe this may be something he will like. There's still no video, but I did find this the other day and thought it may interest some of you;
Micro Video Camera
This is an incredibly small video camera/recorder capable of capturing video, the unit is so small you could easily just blue-tack it to the top or front of a PlaRail train, or I suppose remove a train body and bluetack it to the chassis and produce your own 'train-eye' view of your layout as done by some of our other members.
The really nice thing is how cheap these are, around £6.50 including shipping
The only other thing you'll need is a micro SD card to record onto...
Micro Video Camera
This is an incredibly small video camera/recorder capable of capturing video, the unit is so small you could easily just blue-tack it to the top or front of a PlaRail train, or I suppose remove a train body and bluetack it to the chassis and produce your own 'train-eye' view of your layout as done by some of our other members.
The really nice thing is how cheap these are, around £6.50 including shipping

Happily collecting things all my life...