Amtrak Auction Japan...Funny

7 Replies, 8895 Views

Funny how all things are relevant especially associated with a particular place in the world. I was very curious about this auction and thought I would follow it to the end to see what it would go for over there. Here in the States the Tomica World Amtrak Train is not as rare as it is finding one in Japan. You don't see the Amtrak come up very often in the Yahoo Japan Auctions, at least I haven't seen many. This Japan Auction just ended for just the train and not the whole set at 26500yen, about $260. Pretty good for an Auction starting out at 1yen. I am sure ActionChugger can attest to this but I have gotten whole Amtrak sets here in the States for less than $100. There was quite the bidding frenzy at the end extending the auction many times

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Very true Super it's all about supply and demand. Recently there was a british outline steam loco from hornby which can be had new in the uk for at most about £150 new. It was listed with a start price of 250,000 yen...

I should add I have about 6 of that design Wink
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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I was watching this one too. I saw one on eBay and let Middy know which ended up selling for I think $88. This was right on track and then it appears it took off. I do not have this one but it sounds like to may be a lick of the draw to get one at a good price.
[-] The following 3 users Like ripley802's post:
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Yes, thank you Ripley... very much appreciatedSmile I let it go at $80..& it sold for $81:/ It was in very nice condition too.
Eventually another will come up I am hoping and we'll give it another shot!!Smile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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The one at Jauce was also talked about in Facebook Plarail Indonesia too Big Grin

There is one full set for $229 on ebay, but the seller wont budge for a lower price Dodgy
Evan Almighty and His Train Collection
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(05-12-2016, 09:44 PM)ActionChugger Wrote: The one at Jauce was also talked about in Facebook Plarail Indonesia too Big Grin

There is one full set for $229 on ebay, but the seller wont budge for a lower price Dodgy

Received notification that this set was sold. Congrats to whoever got it.
I've been receiving messages from Indonesian plarail group asking where to get the Amtrak Big Grin
Evan Almighty and His Train Collection
[Image: banner12.jpg]
The train looks very modern it would look great on my trackmaster shipwreck rails set
peep peep! <strong> Percy is my favorite engine </strong>
<a href="" >my Thomas wooden railway and take n play website</a>
<a href=""> my Thomas toy website </a>

the amtrak wouldnt run on that set and even if it did, it almost certainly wouldnt fit in the basket thing that drops down. the engine would end up completely destroyed.
my website address has changed:

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