I Wish Tomy Would...!?

149 Replies, 195994 Views

I just wish they could produce more new trains in general (thomas, chuggington, monorails etc.) like come on Tomy! FP realeased as many trains in its short agreement to use Tomys shell and body design than Tomy has since it started making thomas!
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
more battery operated buses.
Leland, are you referring to the little city roads sets where the buses run around on their own?
(02-07-2015, 02:29 AM)Super Wrote: Leland, are you referring to the little city roads sets where the buses run around on their own?

Those are really neat. You have some of these right? I did find the thread that KumaChan started about the buses. http://www.blueplastictracks.com/showthread.php?tid=677
No I don't. The only ones I have are Bertie and the Bulgy the Green vegatable bus. I am talking buses such as this one.

I get it now. I wasn't aware of other motorized buses that have no face. I like the one you linked to, very colorful ads like a real one.. I am on board with wishing Tomy would make more of these buses. How about a motorized Disney Bus Tomy? Disney Bus
Custom Station Name Plates would be good.

That way, I can have good old "Grand Central Station" for the US, "Central" for Sydney, "東京" for Tokyo, "Flinders Street" for Melbourne.

Although, I can make these by myself. :/

I like the idea of Tomy making a set of optional Station signs or name plates for use with some of their stations. Even a sheet of waterslide decals or stickers would do and the buyer could choose which to use on their building. Good thinking Plarnold!
Custom ones where you can just plug it in would be good. That is much better than stickers.

Also, extendable platforms would also be nice. I know Tomy already has those but they're very generic. I like those open platforms without the eaves.


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