I Wish Tomy Would...!?

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I Wish Tomy/Plarail/Tomica Would...

Come out with Collector Sets of the motorized Road & Rail Trucks, Cars and Buses. These could be like 4 different vehicles in each collectors set and only made available for a limited time. These sets would make great Exclusive and Limited Plarail Expo releases. They could also have a Collectors Set with just the Thomas character motorized vehicles. I, for one, would be all over them.
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  • Off The Rails
You know, I hadn’t thought much about the Road and Rail/Motor Tomica cars and trucks but that would be a great idea!
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I think it would. Bulgy would have to be revamped to his Season 21 look.

I would think would be cool if they made Plarail Beau (He had some screentime in Big World Big Adventures) as well. I think bringing Duck and Oliver back to Plarail would be a fantastic idea, all they would do is revamp them to their CGI models. So as releasing Mavis (She would have to be revamped with a CGI face), Victor, Stanley, the Narrow Gauge Engines (All except Fearless Freddie and Luke would have to be revamped to their CGI counterparts), and Diesel (His face would have to be identical to his CGI counterpart).

I would be all over Diesel, making customs of BR08 Diesel Shunters and the Mainland Diesels from TGR.
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.

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i wish tomy would releases a catalogue showing ALL of their train related toys over the years, with all the variations between releases and countries.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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Ohhh...I like that idea Sun, that might be a big catalog, maybe a hardcover...I would buy it Smile
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  • sunhuntin
TOMY needs to revive rotary snowploughs, bring back yellow tracks, renew all private railways especially Odakyu, Seibu & Tobu (All Odakyu 2600 variants and Tobu 8000 are selling for ridiculous prices despite being mildly rare), bring back friction power (we don't like complex gearing systems because they more gears means more chance of cracking), make more airport sets, renew "Chin Chin Electric Train" (bell noise), and maybe produce more round trip Plarails but don't renew ED-70 and EF-66 to preserve their rarity.
(01-19-2020, 08:04 PM)Vio Wrote: bring back friction power (we don't like complex gearing systems because they more gears means more chance of cracking),

I haven't had a metal motor apart...they have fewer gears? I do like how the drive wheel/axle disengage when you pick up the engine. Are they free wheeling in the off position?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • violater
The beauty of the metal motor is that the whole casing is conductive, so no need to change contact points in case they get rusty. Also the interior is uncovered from the top part so you can see the gears. There are only 2 gears from my observation. They are free wheeling, and there is no gear connected to the shaft, so no worries of cracking gear.
I noticed that the metal motor had no connection point for the positive side of the battery. With the whole casing charged as positive I wonder if adding lights would be easier. The metal looks like it may be galvanized...hmmm...will solder stick to galvanized?

I think I saw a video where a metal motor was taken apart but I don't remember much from it as I must not have paid much attention. I would like to see that again to check out the internal gearing but I can't seem to locate any videos.
Adding lights should be easy, but I like to keep the motor in original state because it is so precious if resold again in the future. But if you have an old used one, you can try soldering. I never soldered anything before, so please tell me the result if you try.
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