todays layout

3 Replies, 4759 Views

my club had a yard sale today, and followed up with an open day in the afternoon. the day can only be called a complete and utter success!

we had most stuff in the new extension, with some of the larger items outside to help draw people in

my layout consisted of 2 loops, one elevated, the transfer station and musical disney bridge.
i ran 3 trains: buzz, monsters inc and minnie sweets, with pooh bear as a back up.

[Image: P1030076.jpg]
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  • ActionChugger, Miksolo, MuddyPoppins, Nigels, Ucwepn
Very colourful there Sun Smile You should have found a pink train though for the girlies Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Very cool Sunhuntin

I like the gray risers in the layout as they blend in and are not dominant to the eye. If you have the chance to pick up more they look good in your layouts but then again...we all know I am just a bit prejudice towards them Big Grin

Boy that addition sure is big. I am anxious to start seeing it get filled in with layouts and such. Glad the sale went well. Do the proceeds go towards the club? I don't know why I always thought your Yard Sales were for train stuff. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love browsing through them.
cheers, guys.

nigels, i had the minnie sweets train there, its over the back so not visible in the photo.

super, i like the mix of grey and yellow for use with the green tracks. i have more, but chose to alternate this time and see how it looked.

the extension wont get filled for another few years, as we need to line it first. all the money goes to us. what we raised yesterday will close to cover one of our biggest bills, the council rates for the land. we had a few train items that went, but only junky stuff. nothing special.
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  • Nigels, Super

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