Couldn't Wait!!!

1 Replies, 14462 Views

Have been receiving a bunch of trains the last few days from around the World. Some rare that I have wanted for a while but had a difficult time obtaining. I couldn't wait to show off this one before revealing the others.

The Seibu New Red Arrow (NRA) has been one I have been after for a decent price ever since I first laid eyes upon her. Love the styling, the details and the colors. Was used but not very much as the pictures show. From a reputable Seller and YouTuber.

Other grabs that have arrived this week will be shown off soon,

[Image: 006_zpsshaz8aeg.jpg]

[Image: 003_zpshz2wcjgu.jpg]
[-] The following 4 users Like Super's post:
  • Gerisplarail1, MuddyPoppins, Nigels, thehsvdude
I love it when you get excited Super!!
I can only imagine that with the pleasure you get from seeing other members buys what you must be feeling when receiving your own!?!? Smile...just a fuzzy warm feeling to knowSmile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
  • Gerisplarail1, Super

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