Japanese plarail/tomy Large lot.. Help with some things..

10 Replies, 15240 Views

This is a follow up to my first thread.

I received the lot and have been going through it. I must say this is by far the biggest lot I have had in awhile and really the largest of Japanese items I have received to date. So far I am impressed. I know we talked about the "big dome station" and I am going to try and build that to see if it is all there. But there is another piece I am unsure on. It seems like it may go to the set but I am not sure.
[Image: 98FE6ED2-9DD4-4C48-8725-C7EA209553B7_zpsi7amrnyk.jpg]

It did have a battery terminal that had corroded off, but I got it replaced and it is working now. Is it complete? What is this set called?

Here are a couple more shots of the lot. Sooo much track, and various switches and such I did by have.
[Image: D0B65F6C-76D6-4C07-BA64-96C2A7AAEE4C_zps5q43tk1s.jpg]
[Image: 352E89F2-7EB3-4045-885F-6E86416F5019_zpsnkox1j2s.jpg]

Engine wise they look pretty good. The black one has a working head lamp which was cool. The remote control ones seems to work well. Only has the one data chip though. There are a couple that will need some troubleshooting, but definately fixable.
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(11-29-2015, 02:53 AM)ripley802 Wrote: [Image: 98FE6ED2-9DD4-4C48-8725-C7EA209553B7_zpsi7amrnyk.jpg][/URL]

It did have a battery terminal that had corroded off, but I got it replaced and it is working now. Is it complete? What is this set called?

First thing I notice is that you are missing a boy that can move across the tracks. The station is called Plakid Track Crossing Station. The link below shows what an almost complete set looks like.


As for your trains. It really hard to tell what is missing. One thing for sure your Dr. Yellow is missing the middle carriage. It is not really surprising when the toys are played by the kids. One carriage will be lost here and there.

Say where did you buy this lot? Ebay?
(11-29-2015, 03:00 AM)leylandvictory2 Wrote: First thing I notice is that you are missing a boy that can move across the tracks. The station is called Plakid Track Crossing Station. The link below shows what an almost complete set looks like.


As for your trains. It really hard to tell what is missing. One thing for sure your Dr. Yellow is missing the middle carriage. It is not really surprising when the toys are played by the kids. One carriage will be lost here and there.

Say where did you buy this lot? Ebay?

Thanks for the info. I was thinking it was part of another set but couldn't be for sure. In searching for the other station I saw so many different ones but this one was not one of them. I did have a larger pla-kid in the lot, but not sure if he goes to it or something else. Also a Lego person..

As for the trains the yellow one the seller through in as parts because the switch has issues. I am hoping to get it working then fine the middle car. The others seem complete, I will post some more pics when I get a chance. I believe there is another set which is the set that comes with Mt. Fuji? And then the remote set.

Any idea what the orange/yellow bridge is from?

Yes this lot was from eBay US, $75 shipped is what I got it all for.
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I know I have seen some YouTube videos of this Station West Japan Kyusyu but I can't seem to locate any.

The orange bridge came with a large road and train set that had the Marine Liner with it. I will try to find a picture.

Plarail Giant Iron Bridge and Marine Liner Set

For the Iron Bridge sides you will 2 need the special tall riser sections and the top covers if you have it all. Looks like at least you have the orange 3" risers in that bag..

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Amazing Super.. You are fast. Thanks so much. Yep I have one of the larger riisers and at least one of the caps, possibly the other cap, but no such luck on the other large riser. The light grey road track is not all there. The train is there though.
Looks like you have a lot to keep you entertained for a while
(11-29-2015, 03:45 AM)Super Wrote: Looks like you have a lot to keep you entertained for a while

Definitely... Now I can't wait to take down the Christmas layout and build a new one with this stuff. Big Grin
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Finally got through everything. If anyone happens to come across the orange risers or parts , let me know. I will be on the lookout for the large bridge riser and the cap for the top, for the set mentioned above. Also the small yellow data chips for the remot control for the N700. And finally there is a small road ramp piece for the Big Dome station I am looking for.

I was able to get all of the trains running, one is getting the axel gear glued at the moment and one the wheels needed glued to the axel, but other than that they are in good shape.

After the Christmas layout is down, I will likely start a new one with my new finds. Big Grin
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I do see those orange risers appear on the Japan Auctions but they are usually in a bulk purchase. Don't i've seen them anywhere offered in the US but then again this lot you bought is rare for the States. I have had many of the tan ones that come with the big green bridge like yours and the cream colored tops and are more easily obtained in the States.
Figured I would add on to my old thread since these items came straight from the wonderful Japan.. Big Grin

So as mentioned in another thread, after seeing the Minne Sweets train I slowly began to get hooked on the Disney trains. I picked up a couple and the seller had some other items I wasn't really looking for but figured what the heck, if I am placing and order, might as well get my shipping costs worth.

[Image: 63956D01-8D66-4248-B8D2-2B7AE16E7C0B_zpsxet9tf7v.jpg]

[Image: 30DCB96D-62DF-4EDB-810A-5236FB3FB1A0_zpscrzgfz8d.jpg]

The train yard is getting full, might have to put some back on the shelf. Or maybe add some more track...

[Image: 01F54F97-EEF2-4380-ADFA-68D84E4A6EA6_zpsqt9tkmgl.jpg]
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