TomyTec Scenes & Buildings

14 Replies, 31656 Views

The flanges on the Advance wheels bump over the sleepers even on code 80 rail. They're just too course for N scale track.
If you're good at cutting plastic you could make some custom track like this guy.
And when painted, standard plastic track can look like this.
I did wonder if the wheels would have trouble with the sleepers as I couldn't see how they would realistically run on N Gauge otherwise.

I suppose you could always take N Gauge track, remove it from the sleepers and afix them to som plastic card or similar, have to give it some thought Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
That would probably work. It's the hight of the rails that's the problem.
[Image: 52770593634-aec93921d0-b.jpg]

For my N Gauge, I use a lot of TOMYTEC/TOMIX, KATO and GREENMAX buildings.

As for my favorite, the TOMIX 4245 is fantastic as you can make it to a very high rise building and it's not expensive and it's easy to insert lights.

I do like the Marui building (23-437) from KATO. And GreenMax's Toyoko-Inn (2709) is fantastic!

If I had to do it over again, I would have never bought them from eBay and bought from Amazon Japan. Would have saved a lot more money that way.
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Those buildings look great especially with the lighting

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