got the latest winter village set this morning. spent the day building on and off, and my thumb is shredded on the end from getting pinched between bricks.
i mirror built it so it wont be so identical to the first set, and will place one at either end of the display.
it features a small santas grotto by the tree with dad taking a photo of his two kids with santa, while another posts a letter. it also has two carollers and a guy with an ipod getting away from the caterwauling as quick as he can. there are also two kids roasting marshmallows.
rumor is this will be the last set, and it is a duplicate of the very first set, with a few changes in construction of the roof and tree and some new face designs.
in some ways i hope this isnt the last, but at the same time i hope it is, because im having more trouble every year fitting everything into the layout.
i mirror built it so it wont be so identical to the first set, and will place one at either end of the display.
it features a small santas grotto by the tree with dad taking a photo of his two kids with santa, while another posts a letter. it also has two carollers and a guy with an ipod getting away from the caterwauling as quick as he can. there are also two kids roasting marshmallows.
rumor is this will be the last set, and it is a duplicate of the very first set, with a few changes in construction of the roof and tree and some new face designs.
in some ways i hope this isnt the last, but at the same time i hope it is, because im having more trouble every year fitting everything into the layout.
my website address has changed: