I have to make a decision on what track system to use trackmaster 2 or blue plastic track i have near equal amounts of both system probally more blue plastic track as i have a suitcase full. But the reason i am asking is what would you reccomend as if i buy the new track i wont have to modify anything.
Trackmaster 2 vs tomy
5 Replies, 6743 Views
The answer is really what rolling stock do you have or intend to get?
If you intend to buy the new stuff then go with the new track, if you have lots of the old and intend to get more tomy trains then go with the blue. Or alternatively get some of the adaptors and use both, several guys here have quite happily mixed both to get the best of both types.
Happily collecting things all my life...
I love the blue track as there are simply more pieces available like double track, auto stations, auto points and the list just goes on, the new track does provide some exciting track options but none really allow for long trains which can get a bit boring but to each their own...
Also with the blue track you have the possibility of moving on to PlaRail Advance, I'm not too sure how well they would run on the new style track...
Personally I'm a firm fan of blue track as Ucwepn says there is more variety in the track, not to mention trains to run on it. The other thing for me is the new trains are simply not as well made and lack detail in a big way if you ask me, there is very little difference for example between a Thomas and a Gordon when the latter should be much larger...
Happily collecting things all my life...
another vote for blue track here. i love how versatile it is. need a curve to go the other way? just turn it upside down and carry on. ditto with standard points. plus, its been around for so long, items like girders, risers, tunnels are all fairly easy to find for not much money.
if you decide to get into the japanese plarail trains, then you will need blue. can guarantee they wont run on the new trackmaster. plarail is also fairly rapid with releasing new designs... last year we got a number of different disney themed trains, and then last week saw the release to two snoopy trains, not to mention all the bullet and passenger trains also produced in that time frame. personally, i find blue track [both light blue thomas and the dark blue from the 80s/90s] easier to plan large space taking layouts. trackmaster revolution, i havent done a large build and generally just grab a boxed set when i do want to run it. thats one things in its favour i guess... can build a fairly fun layout with just one set.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2015, 08:41 PM by sunhuntin.)
Tomy Thomas blue track is way better. The quality is better and the trackmaster 2 trains' quality is appalling. Trust me , go with the blue track and plarail still produces it so it I pretty easy to acquire
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