Query re different Mr Motorman Versions

2 Replies, 5513 Views

Does anyone know if the different Mr Motorman versions have compatible transmitters to control from one controller? I would like to mix the m2 c size insert and the m3 which I believe is a rechargable AA with transmitter. Also what is the difference in controller between the eco, eco2 and good driving eco2? Also are the AD versions (m4) compatible with regular trains or just plarail advance? I have not been able to find these sorts of details using Google. I am looking at Hobby Search to purchase. Thanks.
Hobby Search said they are restocking Mr. Motorman. They have that status for a couple of months now. I heard Amazon still has Mr. Motorman. One Mr. Motorman can control up to 5 trains if i remember correctly but you need to purchase 4 additional receivers to make it work.
I didn't know they could control up to 5 trains. I thought only 2 because there were only 2 ID buttons. Interesting, its no wonder I didn't know because the instructions are in Japanese. I also wondered about the AA sized receiver that are used with the Plarail Advance trains if it would work in the Shinkanses that use AA batteries. Ther are many YouTube videos on Mr Motorman but a lot of them are also in Japanese. Personally I would like Mr Motorman to have a quicker response time.

Ucwepn has an unboxing video of Mr Motorman if you haven't seen it.

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