Great looking forward to seeing some videos, you already had a brilliant layout so it will be fantastic to see how you have improved it! I've got a few ideas in the pipeline, I was thinking of a some sort of led lighting that doesn't require extra cells, a wagon on bogies and possibly a radio controlled train using some a higher voltage and some sort of analogue speed controller. The new site looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to populating it!
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 05:14 PM by Tramp.)
Blueplastictracks temp
15 Replies, 25523 Views
Some great ideas It will be nice to see some of your detailed, how to photos. I have found a place on Ebay that actually isn't far from me that sells no fuss and what I call plug and play lights. They already have the resistors neatly attached with long leads for different voltages. I have picked up a few 9 volt red flashers to replace a not so bright water tower beacon and some soft white and police type red/blue 9 volt flashers. My Grandson loves them. LED's on Ebay
This site is nice but it is only Temporary I hear so they can migrate everything to the new and improved final site. I already like this site better than the last. The final one should be great.
Haha sorry, I use tramp as a user name on some forums, and chrome vanadium on others! I couldn't remember which name I used! This is what I was thinking of using..... You could use this instead of the button cell battery and it should power white LEDs from the standard AA battery, I don't know when I will move house yet but when I've moved I'll defiantly be buying some of these and experimenting!
Wow...I keep learning new things from you. They do say a lot about that converter board but I didn't see the measurements. Does it drain a AA faster?
I imagine it will, but the amount if power an led takes will make it hardly noticeable, I'm not entirely sure on size but I imagine it will be about the size of the button cell battery maybe a little bigger but thinner? I'll see, it is a pain changing button cells and they are consumable whereas I recharge AA's and use them again! I'm glad LEDs are working out for you, the 9v led pack looks good, how heavy is it? Are you planning on using a pack like that for carriage/train lighting? I bet they last a long time running off a pp3 battery, yeah I like this forum too, it is closer to the type of forums I already post on,
These 9volt LEDs I purchased are for building/scenery lighting. Like for the blinking tower lights and the white ones for illuminating the inside of buildings like our switch house and control tower. I thought using a covered 9 volt battery holder with an on/off switch could be used and easily extended to a convenient location on the layout to operate. I have never used or worked with LEDs before and all the small soldering and shrink tubing along with figuring out which resistor to use was turning me off until I saw these neatly made prewired ones.
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