Well I switched the lightbulb and the lamp started to work again so that's a bonus! Got the video refilmed with a different camera and its not as bad as the last one, but my iPad produces better quality. And I am not filming it a third time!!! This will be my last video before the train show (got the original copy of the video and a BTS video to upload, so don't panic) and last but not least, a pic of the set!
Well I switched the lightbulb and the lamp started to work again so that's a bonus! Got the video refilmed with a different camera and its not as bad as the last one, but my iPad produces better quality. And I am not filming it a third time!!! This will be my last video before the train show (got the original copy of the video and a BTS video to upload, so don't panic) and last but not least, a pic of the set!
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains.