One Million Dollars for YouTube Channel

18 Replies, 19228 Views

(03-17-2015, 09:06 PM)Ucwepn Wrote: well companies approach google to buy ads, they then bid against other companies to get prime adspace on well known channels for a good price, the ads then appear on peoples videos who have monetization enabled and if its a starting ad (skip in 5 secs) 1 complete playthrough is a click, or someone clicking on the ad is a click. Google has sophisticated software to see who is clicking, and at the end of each month google will pay you if the amount is over the threshold ($150 I think).

So makers of the videos don't do anything and just take whatever Google says? I don't get the over $150 threshold. What $150?

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RE: One Million Dollars for YouTube Channel - by Super - 03-18-2015, 01:47 AM

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