Hi everyone, I worked on replacing those exact gears before for the older C battery tender engines. There isn't an easy way to find that specific gear (I haven't found it anyway) but I vaguely remember using a gear commonly found in flat drive engines I'll look for one... Ok here's a picture... Oh apparently it's been so long from my last post that apparently I can't just upload pictures from my hard drive anymore? Anyway I'm sure someone else can post a picture of the 14 tooth gear in the flat drive unit. I used it to fashion a temporary replacement until I was able to replace it proper by finding a spare. Both Chrisjo and Super's method is sound if you know how to manipulate plastic gears to the shape you want or to simply buy a cheap tender engine to use its likely non cracked gear respectively.
So buying a cheaper tender engine with the same gears is the fastest way to go but cost money, using a flat drive unit's 14 tooth gear is creative as a replacement, and manipulating 14 tooth gear that's too thick to the shape you want is expert level lol.
So buying a cheaper tender engine with the same gears is the fastest way to go but cost money, using a flat drive unit's 14 tooth gear is creative as a replacement, and manipulating 14 tooth gear that's too thick to the shape you want is expert level lol.