Any method of applying an over-voltage, like the USB hack, has a fair chance of waking up a reluctant motor. We know that you can make a nominal 1.5V motor run super-fast by giving it 3V, or even 9V without any immediate sign of distress. Certainly a quick shock of extra volts never seems to do any damage, and often does the trick.
As an aside I bought a Motor Tomica vehicle recently, and when I switched it on I thought it sounded a bit lively. It turns out that the seller had fitted it with a Kodak 27A battery which is nearly the same length but a bit slimmer than the LR1 battery that should be used. The 27A is 12V! I think I can see a miniature Vin Diesel at the wheel.
As an aside I bought a Motor Tomica vehicle recently, and when I switched it on I thought it sounded a bit lively. It turns out that the seller had fitted it with a Kodak 27A battery which is nearly the same length but a bit slimmer than the LR1 battery that should be used. The 27A is 12V! I think I can see a miniature Vin Diesel at the wheel.