The receiver and battery look small enough that they might also fit in a Bertie, Lorry 1 or Elizabeth. Except maybe Caroline and Ned, I'm not sure about the HiT Toys exclusive vehicles. They've been making those helis more and more compact in recent years, so it might be possible in our time.
I would've thought if a Thomas toy were to be fitted with RC heli parts, it would only make sense for it to be Harold (esp. given how many forms of merch he's been made in). The Bandai TECS/Gold Rail or Nylint versions might be big enough for the fuselage, assuming they could be opened and resealed to fit the mechanics.
I would've thought if a Thomas toy were to be fitted with RC heli parts, it would only make sense for it to be Harold (esp. given how many forms of merch he's been made in). The Bandai TECS/Gold Rail or Nylint versions might be big enough for the fuselage, assuming they could be opened and resealed to fit the mechanics.