Talk N Action James colour variation?

14 Replies, 4183 Views

(11-11-2022, 04:52 PM)TheDiamondDalek Wrote: Hi all, I've no idea if this has been documented before but I recieved a new talk n action james today in the mail and it's a different colour compared to the other ones in my collection, (see photo below for comparison of both UK models I own, one is this new variant) so the question I have is, could this be a variant in the same way as talk n action toby? I noted most of the model, not just the red, is darker than on the other models, what do you guys think? Note: One side is sun-faded on this darker model but the darker colouration is consistent over the entirety of the model, the underside, tender etc
[Image: IMG-3340.jpg]

It's neat to see I'm not the only one whose noticed this with their TnA James'. Although the color difference between my JP James and UK James is so subtle, it hardly comes through on camera. (Minus the sticker on the UK one, which is just sun faded)
[Image: TNA-James-Sb-S.jpg]

[Image: TNA-James-Sb-S1.jpg]

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RE: Talk N Action James colour variation? - by GWR Oliver - 12-18-2022, 11:15 PM

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