Two more photos from the day after my Project Tiger Moth tribute, showing the other side of the concrete surface. The rocky edge along the wall doubled as both part of a quarry/construction site and ballast for track (though it's a little too steep for the latter). The Take Along Fergus was clearly too small for the trucks, but I only chose him because he fits with the "quarry" aesthetic. Someday, I might make a custom one that's more like the ERTL version in size. Really love how the composition turned out, and even Jack and Alfie don't look too bad despite being oversized. No idea why I chose Gordon and not someone shorter than him. A close up showing how the rocks look when used for ballast:
There are two additional concrete bars on the ground that look nearly as good for such photos. One of them is right near the wall, while the other (pictured) is near the grass.