The release dates of Tomica World products are mostly unknown, within certain limits, the whole lot were between 1998 and 2002. We can deduce some more accurate time ranges from changes in packaging style, but that isn't enough to help very much with the silver TGV set and the silver TGV individual packaging, in relation to each other.
Edit: partly wrong - see below
I will be doing a complete Tomica World product list along the same lines as my Hypercity list; I have all the information I'm likely to get, but it's not going to be before this coming winter when I have more time.
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2022, 07:04 PM by Super.)
Edit: partly wrong - see below
I will be doing a complete Tomica World product list along the same lines as my Hypercity list; I have all the information I'm likely to get, but it's not going to be before this coming winter when I have more time.