For example?
Rare doesn't necessarily mean what you are looking for?
Rare doesn't necessarily mean what you have.
What rare means?
Is how hard it is to find! Right now! Today! past week? Past month? Past year? If something takes longer than a year to find?
That is called rare.
However? If you drift into variants? Promotional? Factory defects? Or the unconfirmed?
We will remain in purgatory. And get little to no where!
Rare doesn't necessarily mean what you are looking for?
Rare doesn't necessarily mean what you have.
What rare means?
Is how hard it is to find! Right now! Today! past week? Past month? Past year? If something takes longer than a year to find?
That is called rare.
However? If you drift into variants? Promotional? Factory defects? Or the unconfirmed?
We will remain in purgatory. And get little to no where!