Hi Super,
You just wrote what I was thinking when looking at that video, the unpainted models definitely look as though they were created on a resin/SLA printer. Mind you that isn't as bad as it used to be, these days you can buy an entry level Resin/SLA printer from about £150 and although they don't have the biggest build area it is enough to print an average PlaRail car size item as I proved when I made this one;
Having said that the model does need a bit of tweaking to get the most out of the resin/SLA format as originally I designed it for an FDM printer and as such it has some features which could be refined and the walls of the model are actually a bit thicker than they would ideally be on a resin model. The pictures below are of the prototype FDM print (these are a normal 3D printer that prints from rolls of filament a layer at a time and as Super says can show print lines - although depending on the resolution of the printer it can be minimal at the cost of print time). I would probably have finished this model but nobody showed that much interest and as my time is valuable I got diverted onto other things
As you can see the print lines on the FDM versions varies depending upon the type/colour of plastic you use, the silver is worse than the white one for example. But also these are unpainted, given a light sanding and coat of paint the lines would become minimal.
You just wrote what I was thinking when looking at that video, the unpainted models definitely look as though they were created on a resin/SLA printer. Mind you that isn't as bad as it used to be, these days you can buy an entry level Resin/SLA printer from about £150 and although they don't have the biggest build area it is enough to print an average PlaRail car size item as I proved when I made this one;
Having said that the model does need a bit of tweaking to get the most out of the resin/SLA format as originally I designed it for an FDM printer and as such it has some features which could be refined and the walls of the model are actually a bit thicker than they would ideally be on a resin model. The pictures below are of the prototype FDM print (these are a normal 3D printer that prints from rolls of filament a layer at a time and as Super says can show print lines - although depending on the resolution of the printer it can be minimal at the cost of print time). I would probably have finished this model but nobody showed that much interest and as my time is valuable I got diverted onto other things
As you can see the print lines on the FDM versions varies depending upon the type/colour of plastic you use, the silver is worse than the white one for example. But also these are unpainted, given a light sanding and coat of paint the lines would become minimal.
Happily collecting things all my life...