Backdating Bachmann's Thomas the Tank Engine

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Alright, my Shapeways shipment has arrived! I got some faces for Thomas and printed out the running plate I designed! It's really cool to see how the project is finally starting to come together now after a couple of years of work! I did forget to do the splashers, but I'll figure those out later. Something nice, though, is that the Bachmann chassis slots neatly into the running plate, something I was a little concerned about when designing it. Anyways, here are some pictures:
[Image: IMG-20220129-151051.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20220129-154958.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20220129-155910.jpg]

As you can see, he scales pretty much to how I wanted him to when I first started this project! Now I just need to cut the motor casing and try to figure out how to hold everything together, then put all of the little details on. I have lamp irons, brake gear, and handrails to put on, and I plan on making sandboxes as well!

Here are the faces. Some of them are the same as the ones I had before, and there are others that are new.
[Image: IMG-20220129-151118.jpg]

Before all of the serious work starts, here are some pictures I took just to see what he looks like!
[Image: IMG-20220129-155411.jpg]
It's like the TrackMaster Christmas set Mattel canceled for some reason. The tanker even has the face:
[Image: IMG-20220129-155424.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20220129-155745.jpg]
Here's the full fleet of locomotives that I have so far. One day, I'll hopefully build a layout for them!

Also, Bachmann announced their new Thomas products today, and the most interesting thing by far was proper OO Scale figures!
[Image: Screenshot-20220129-190346-Chrome.jpg]

I definitely plan on picking some up when they are released!
I think that's everything for now. Thanks for reading!
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
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RE: "Kitbashing" Thomas the Tank Engine - by TrainMan2001 - 01-30-2022, 12:31 AM

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