It's on the D51 from this beautiful Plarail First Try set [D51形 882号機(月と鹿マーク) D51 type 882 (moon and deer mark)]:
From the description: "It is a Plarail of D51 type steam locomotive No. 882 of "First Try Set Kuro" released in 2001. The moon and deer are drawn on the deflector. In addition, the rails and garage are unified in gray and black. The final driving scene is driving the "Suha 43 passenger car". This product was only sold for one year."
From the description: "It is a Plarail of D51 type steam locomotive No. 882 of "First Try Set Kuro" released in 2001. The moon and deer are drawn on the deflector. In addition, the rails and garage are unified in gray and black. The final driving scene is driving the "Suha 43 passenger car". This product was only sold for one year."
My YouTube Channel: Mister No