So I part built a micro sized apartment, and before I know it my bedroom is infested with fairies
OK, not quite, but Tinkerbell is iconic enough that I was willing to bend my requirement that my dolls had to be 'realistic', or goth-styled
This is the Disney Store's current model of Tinkerbell doll, cost about £15, and I'll honestly say, she's getting 5 stars from me - Really nicely made and styled, looks just like the film version, really well articulated and posable, and compatible with any Barbie/Blyth sized outfits, as you can see in the pictures modelling her pack-in classic dress, & my current selection of stock Barbie and Chinese Aliexpress fashions - For the money, she's absolutely fab, and it goes without saying I'd recommend her for fans, collectors, and of course kids
Only one point of note - her wings are sewn to her green dress, so if you want her to have wings with other outfits, you'll need to make some (I'm already working on a set of magnetically attachable wings sourced from a poundland/dollar store fairy doll, the plan being to attach magnets that can stick the wings temporarily onto clothes)
More updates on the furnishings and styling of the apartment soon; waiting for my next paycheck to drop to continue the building, so watch this space
Been building Plarail worlds since 2001; Building when I can in 2023