That bridge is a bit bizarre, but an interesting element. Only when it collapses can train cross it. If it did not, trains would get stuck in holes and pipes covered by collapsing parts during the collapse.
(1) It’s not a malfunction, I just left one of the covers open to take a dramatic photo.
(2) The bridge will not reset itself. If you do nothing, it will remain in a position that allows trains to cross it. The marked parts serve to manually lift the collapsing parts; the train lowers them by pressing a special switch built into the slope.
(1) It’s not a malfunction, I just left one of the covers open to take a dramatic photo.
(2) The bridge will not reset itself. If you do nothing, it will remain in a position that allows trains to cross it. The marked parts serve to manually lift the collapsing parts; the train lowers them by pressing a special switch built into the slope.
My YouTube Channel: Mister No