The Snowy Freddie's are very easy to be faked (as shown by Custom Trackmasters Youtube Video) which makes it hard to tell a real one from a possible fake (if there are any). I know of only 2 to exist, and we've never seen any box art or packaging for it, showing that it is in fact a prototype, same with the Slippy Sodor Thomas'. If someone could show me some box art or packaging for both of these then I'd be happy to add them to the list. With Muddy Poppins' case, I think the lady he purchased them off probably knew they were supposed to come out, and listed them for sale prematurely before having them in her hands. If she had them in her actual possession then, then thats a different story. She probably had them then Target must've contacted her saying to return them or something because they weren't supposed to be released. However my case would be the same due to the fact that it was withdrawn from shelves instantly, just like the Flip Face Percy you mentioned. Alfie is similar in this case, however with him we know that he was on shelves for at least 2-3 months in 2008, meaning that he was in fact released to the general public, then removed from shelves after this small production period.
See my logic?
See my logic?