What is the rarest Tomy/Plarail/TrackMaster item you own?

67 Replies, 26389 Views

Well, the James got well over 1000$

(05-16-2021, 11:35 AM)TrainsRawesome Wrote: Woah ... that MIB American TNA Percy sure is rare. That’s the first one I’ve seen besides the one on the wiki.

[Image: 7-FA7744-F-68-C8-440-B-A3-CE-5-FD5-EED236-BE.jpg]

[Image: BF8-EF5-C3-6099-4-D19-8-D6-F-0-CC8-FD4079-DA.jpg]

[Image: CEA04-CAB-F07-F-4-B20-9-FCF-E60-FD0-C131-A9.jpg]

[Image: F51-B8983-FC37-4087-A9-E7-D475-BEC0-CDFB.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2021, 11:57 PM by Super.)
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RE: What is the rarest Tomy/Plarail/TrackMaster item you own? - by OwenDino Studios - 05-20-2021, 11:31 PM

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