Shinkansen Transformation Robo: Shinkalion!

648 Replies, 588960 Views

Supposed new toy listings. Take with a grain of salt. Please note that the new robots have placeholder names.

[Image: z9MEyHv.png]

June - Shinkalion 'D', Zailiner/Gift Set, Mobile Z Gear, new Big Base Box
July - Shinkalion 'E'
August - Enemy Shinkalion, Z Combination Collection E5, E6, E7 (Seem to be budget toys of some kind.)
September - Shinkalion 'F', Zailiner/Gift Set

I don't know what currency these prices are in.
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RE: Shinkansen Transformation Robo: Shinkalion! - by Trainfanz - 04-20-2021, 11:48 PM

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