What is the rarest Tomy/Plarail/TrackMaster item you own?

67 Replies, 26342 Views

I was browsing the forum and found a thread (https://www.blueplastictracks.com/showth...hp?tid=314) from a few years ago about this topic, but I want to know how all your collections have progressed over the years and what your rarest items are now.

Mine is my 2011 Plarail Blushing Thomas (one of 360 made).

[Image: A674-AC2-D-E543-4-F78-A70-A-A647-FFFFCE10.jpg]
[Image: AAD1-F4-C4-D594-4-A5-A-B2-CE-832-BFB7-B8450.jpg]

Also if they count the Snowy Freddie (believed to be cancelled or only released in China) and the 1st edition Slippy Sodor Thomas.

[Image: 11-FEC6-F3-323-A-4-FD3-BB98-F02701007-D9-F.jpg]
[Image: 569815-E3-BCAD-4-F61-B679-8882648845-EF.jpg]
[Image: A5-A412-DE-2333-470-F-8-B52-0-A903-ED9-A1-FF.jpg]
[Image: D43-DE166-4-CC9-4-EC6-BB8-E-ED71-B84-D8511.jpg]
plarail for life
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Messages In This Thread
What is the rarest Tomy/Plarail/TrackMaster item you own? - by TrainsRawesome - 04-15-2021, 07:41 PM

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