He is still quite easy to get as there are many sellers selling them new in the box.
@Mr No
Thanks for the info on Mr Hiro. I have always had the idea that if I ever got him I would customize his Tender in patchwork to match what the engine looks like. One thing I just noticed which I am thrilled to see...patchwork Hiro has real Cab side windows right? and it also looks like the gold box under the windows is paint whereas all the other versions (I think) of him has a big sticker for windows and the box under them right? Now I might have to pick one up for the Future World collection and possibly a well used one to customize.
He is still quite easy to get as there are many sellers selling them new in the box.
@Mr No
Thanks for the info on Mr Hiro. I have always had the idea that if I ever got him I would customize his Tender in patchwork to match what the engine looks like. One thing I just noticed which I am thrilled to see...patchwork Hiro has real Cab side windows right? and it also looks like the gold box under the windows is paint whereas all the other versions (I think) of him has a big sticker for windows and the box under them right? Now I might have to pick one up for the Future World collection and possibly a well used one to customize.