Interesting that Thomas whirrs but doesn't make it to the output of the gearbox, probably a different gear then the usual gear which cracks (as it has on Henry). I have had some success with some 3D printed gears but "toy plastic gear kits" from Amazon or eBay are probably the better way to go.
Most likely the switch contact inside the bump reader is not making great contact from hitting the same place over and over combined with most likely sitting for several years somewhere along the line, probably needs to be taken apart and cleaned but sometimes a nice tough blow into the switch mechanism can be a temporary fix.
I've been working on a whole lot of TnA repairs recently, and had to drill out a screw that that been corroded completely by battery acid and stripped away when I went to take it out
Most likely the switch contact inside the bump reader is not making great contact from hitting the same place over and over combined with most likely sitting for several years somewhere along the line, probably needs to be taken apart and cleaned but sometimes a nice tough blow into the switch mechanism can be a temporary fix.
I've been working on a whole lot of TnA repairs recently, and had to drill out a screw that that been corroded completely by battery acid and stripped away when I went to take it out
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.