(01-09-2021, 11:02 PM)Nigels Wrote: As for not having "one of these phones" are you telling me you don't have a smart phone of any type Super?
If so I'm amazed in this day and age as you have to really go out of your way to avoid iPhones (overrated, overpriced, copycat junk these days) and Android
Not going out of my way to avoid them just don't see the purpose for me.
Not unless you want to include my 17 year old pre-paid minutes Flip Phone what you younguns have now a days. I leave it in my car uncharged in case I break down and need help. Doesn't have texting or a camera and because Its not kept charged I receive no calls but then again I don't give out the number to anyone but my daughter.
Don't have never had any need or want for these things and I can't stand carrying things in my pockets (except for a knife and Chapstick). Anyway I have always hated talking on the phone, heck my land line phone in my house doesn't even have the ringer on as I don't need to talk with anyone LOL.