That’s all a rather melancholy and melodramatic way of saying goodbye to this year’s Christmas decorations. Wes pulled up the Trackmaster 1 tracks this past Wednesday and replaced them with Plarail track.
I plan to repurpose the base, which is 1 inch pink extruded foam. Aside from that, I’m not sure what else I’m doing. I have some Woodland Scenics grass mat that isn’t great for a realistic model layout but might work well for a toy train layout. I have three bags of snow flocked bottle brush trees and an experiment has confirmed that the snow flocking will come off with a soak in warm, soapy water and a little gentle brushing with a old toothbrush. Finally, I have extra pieces of foam and several ways to model water.
It’s mostly a matter of figuring out what I want to do next and taking the time to do it.
I plan to repurpose the base, which is 1 inch pink extruded foam. Aside from that, I’m not sure what else I’m doing. I have some Woodland Scenics grass mat that isn’t great for a realistic model layout but might work well for a toy train layout. I have three bags of snow flocked bottle brush trees and an experiment has confirmed that the snow flocking will come off with a soak in warm, soapy water and a little gentle brushing with a old toothbrush. Finally, I have extra pieces of foam and several ways to model water.
It’s mostly a matter of figuring out what I want to do next and taking the time to do it.